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Training Kit™: dSTORM
Your journey to microscopy expertise

Are you ready to begin your dSTORM journey?
The ONI Training Kit™ for dSTORM is designed to provide a simple workflow for new and existing users to learn the fundamentals of single-molecule localization microscopy.
The kit enables you to:
- Understand sample preparation for dSTORM imaging
- Prepare samples for dSTORM with optimal reagents*
- Understand the basics of dSTORM imaging
- Acquire dSTORM data on the Nanoimager**
- Gain confidence before experimenting with your own samples
- Analyze dSTORM data on CODI
*Reagents have a shelf life of two months.
**Microscope systems with equivalent specifications and compatible with dSTORM imaging can be used to image samples prepared using the dSTORM Training Kit.
What’s in the kit?
Sample slide
With mammalian cells fixed on a coverslip #1.5 attached to a bespoke microscope slide designed for easy flowing of reagents
Staining solution
Including an antibody against the NUP98 protein, fluorescently labeled with a dSTORM dye
Washing solution
A buffer to remove nonspecific binding of antibodies and help improve the signal-to-noise ratio of dSTORM images
To crosslink antibodies to their targets in a postfixation step ready subsequent imaging
dSTORM imaging buffer
Our popular two-component buffer to promote fluorophore blinking for optimal dSTORM imaging results
Tailored training materials
Stepwise protocol and video tutorials guiding users through sample preparation, imaging optimization on the Nanoimager & analysis on CODI
Features & Benefits
Microscopy slide and reagents to label nuclear pores
Slide with mammalian cells and reagents to label nuclear pores for dSTORM imaging.
Stepwise protocol
Simplified sample preparation with ONI reagents, Nanoimager microscope and
CODI software to ensure accurate results.
Sample preparation and imaging video guides
Tutorial videos to ensure correct reagent and sample slide handling, and guidance
on setting up and optimizing imaging.
Troubleshooting notes
To help users address common issues that may arise during experiments, ensuring
challenges can be overcome.
Access to ONI’s CODI software platform
Access to CODI software (Beta version) including tailored analysis settings for
dSTORM imaging of nuclear pores.
Live from the lab
dSTORM Training Sessions
Geared towards both beginners and those already acquainted with the technique, these interactive sessions provide a comprehensive learning experience, guiding participants through each step of capturing optimal dSTORM images. With the support of ONI’s technical staff, participants will navigate sample preparation, maneuvre the intricacies of image acquisition utilizing the cutting-edge Nanoimager microscope, and employ the powerful analytical capabilities of the CODI software. Participants will be awarded a certificate upon completion.
Prerequisite for enrollment: Purchase of the ONI Training Kit™: dSTORM